Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Spiritual Renewal Retreat

Amberly and I are excited about the spiritual renewal retreat we’re participating in this winter. It’s going to be a time of prayer, seeking the Lord, worshipping at various churches, reading, relaxing, and planning for the future. The retreat will last five weeks, January 23-February 28. Dan Weber inadvertently said six weeks when it was announced a few Sundays ago. It really is only five weeks. And, we are putting together five great services for CLA during that time—you’ll barely miss me!

When I told my mom about the retreat, she was worried something was wrong with me or the church. I assured her, as I do you, that nothing could be further from the truth. We’ve seen more people attend and make decisions for Christ than any other year. I’m more convinced than ever that Des Moines is the city that God has called us to reach. My family loves Des Moines and Christian Life Assembly. This is one of the best boards I’ve ever worked with and our team is closer than ever. The motive isn’t that something is wrong, the motive is that things are right! I don’t’ want to mess that up by moving forward in my own ideas or my own agenda. That’s why I want to get away for a while, after the pattern of Jesus, to pray, to think, to renew my spirit about the future of our church.

I’ll be praying for you, worshipping in churches that have the type of multi-site ministry I believe God could be leading us toward, attending two very important conferences, and working on the vision master plan for the future. While part of the time will be devoted to rest and relaxing, these 35 days are not time off, they are just time spent differently—praying, fasting, reading, attending chapel at Southeastern University, and planning for the future of Christian Life Assembly. I believe the results of these five weeks will be felt for the next five years. It’s time to gear up for the next phase of what God wants to do. That always begins with prayer and seeking the Lord. That’s the point of the spiritual renewal retreat.

So, don’t be nervous like my mom. Be excited for what God will put into my heart and yours during those 35 days.

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