We started something new this week--the Thursday Midnight Rule. That means that everything for Sunday has to be completed by Thursday midnight. The idea is to not be pushing at the last minute for the service--to give us time to breathe and increase creativity. To get started, we made a list of everything that has to be done for a Sunday service to go. Here it is:
- Adult Technical Order Completed
- Adult Order of Service Completed
- Adult Music Pulled
- Songs put into Computer
- Backgrounds on Computer
- Christian Life News (CLN) Filmed, Edited, and Put on Computer
- All Props Completed
- All Videos Completed
- All Dramas Completed
- All Special Music Completed
- All Worship Team Members Called
- Message PowerPoint Completed
- Worship Folder Completed
- Worship Folder Inserts Completed
- Cd's for Bookstore Completed
- Café Prepared and Ready
- Message Completed
- CLN Written
- Study Guide Written
- Message Outline Completed
- Puppet Skits Written
- Rovercomer Skit Written
- KidsCount Worship List Selected
- KidsCount Technical Order of Service
- KidsCount E-mails to Volunteers
- Kid Volunteers Contact
- Nursery/Preschool Workers Contacted
- KidsCount Room Prepared
- Order of Service Completed
- Message Completed
- All Props Purchased and Completed
This list may not be all-inclusive, but it's a start. It doesn't include getting ready for The Edge, Let's Get Acquainted, or other special events. Church doesn't just happen. It takes a lot of people using their gifts to create a powerful worship service. Thanks to everyone who serves at CLA!