Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Going on a Jet Plane

I just finished booking my airfare for a trip to Boston, where I start my doctoral studies in redemptive leadership and organizational development. I head out May 13 for a week of classes, come back for the weekend of May 20 at CLA then head back for one more week of classes.

So far, I've read over 2,000 pages of leadership material and am writing five different papers to get ready for the residency. After the residency, there's a 15-20 page project. After three of these residencies and projects, I'll be done. My goal is to have my doctorate by the time I'm 40 and so I'm on track for now.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That's terrific, Pastor! Wow...you'll be Dr. Glenn one day. Thank you for setting such a great example that we can and should all continue to learn and grow throughout our lives. You've also established the standard for setting goals for ourselves, remaining teachable, and realizing that change is necessary.