Wednesday, June 06, 2007

A Just as Scary Thought

I've been thinking about the quote a couple of posts ago--Most Christians are a major tragedy away from giving up on their faith. I think it's true. Here's an even scarier thought--Many Christians are a minor inconvenience away from giving up their faith, or at least their church. If something goes wrong in a relationship, if the worship music isn't right, if someone doesn't call them back then they can easily give up church altogether. How do we build more commitment into the hearts of people?


Anonymous said...

Bcause we are all sinners and fall short we tend to let our feelings rule us at times and not live in the spirit. I would say there are deeper reasons for people leaving church than a minor inconvenience. I think people will be more commited when they see their shepard is more concerned about a personal friendship and relationship with them ,than he is about how large his church is or only developing relationships with people who he can use to advance his own agenda.

Anonymous said...

My words about the sheperd were not true about Glenn and said in response to his reference of people giving up on faith, or church over a minor inconvenience. I found those words hurtful and responded in anger and words that are hurtful themselves. I know Glenn and he is a great pastor and has nothing but sincere love for all his flock. His desire to see people saved and grow the church is his passion to serve God and not to glorify himself. His words are true as to how easily we as christians can be entangled in sin and not follow what Gods word would have to say about how we deal with anger or being offended. I apologize to you Pastor and ask you to forgive me. May God bless you and your church.

Glenn Reynolds said...

I was out of the blogosphere last week and didn't read your comment. I think it's a two way street. I've seen a lot of pastors give up on what seemed to be a call to a city because of just a handful of people who didn't respond the way he wanted them to. The number one reason pastors leave their first church is because they don't know how to handle conflict (according to study by Gordon Conwell Theological Seminary). So, maybe you're on to something in a way. Commitment has to be demonstrated for it to be followed. I love you, buddy!