Sunday, June 01, 2008

Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian

While I was in Charlotte working on my doctorate, I along with a few others took in a showing of The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian.
I left the theater with two thoughts running through my head.
First, when the army fought for Narnia, they lost. When they fought for Aslan, they won. That speaks to our motive. When we build our Kingdom, we lose. When we build his Kingdom, we win.

It makes us ask the question--for whom are we working? For whose glory are we fighting? For whose name are we charging into battle?

The second idea that struck me had to do with the white witch. Peter almost gave in and brought her back to life, but Edmund put a stop to it.
Edmund was the one to stop it becuase he knew what she really was behind the lure of power. He knew becuase he had gone down that failed road before. God never wastes an experience--good or bad. He used Edmund's horrible experience with the white witch to keep the others from going down the same path.
You might see completely different principles or lessons in the film, but these were two that stood out to me.

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