Monday, September 18, 2006

A Constant State of Improvement

Leaders are learners and leading organizations are learning organizations. My goal is for our church to be in a constant state of improvement. We need to always be looking for the next step in our journey. How do you do that? By asking this question often: What one thing could I do in the next 90 days that would have the greatest impact on my life or organization? At CLA, we apply that to all of our five purposes:
We also seek to be constantly improving through our relationships with each other and on the team and ministry champions, as well as ministry colleagues. After all, the Bible says, "As iron sharpens iron so one man sharpens another." Let's develop a constant state of improvement in our lives.


Anonymous said...

I must humbly disagree with one statement in your sermon this past sunday. Spam is not a luncheon meat to stay away from. It's delicious! Yummy!

Glenn Reynolds said...

To spam or not to spam. That is the question.