Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Happy Boss' Day

So, here's the front of the Boss' Day Card from our team:

Bosses are such important peopel that we have a special day for them...

So, here's the isnide of the card:

Don't get too excited though--we also have a special day for groundhogs!

They are assuring me that I am better than a groundhg, however. I may just go underground for the winter.


Anonymous said...

A Boss is only as good as he can serve. When he only bosses, he's than lost his ability to be a good Boss! Some of the best boss's I ever had were there in my "hour of need" and than they were my Boss for Life!

Glenn Reynolds said...

It's kind of like what Jesus said about leadership--leading is serving. Here's an interesting question: How can bosses serve there employees?

Glenn Reynolds said...
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