Monday, May 01, 2006

On the Map!

Growing up in the South, I rarely met a catholic or a Lutheran. I guess this map of religious adherance in America explains why. It's interesting that growing, I assumed that the rest of the nation mirrored the worldview of my section of the country. Iowa looks a lot different than Kentucky when it comes to religious affiliation, doesn't it?


Anonymous said...

Pastor Glenn,

This is a great map. Seeing the Reformed constituency in Michigan reminded me of come comments Cornelius Plantinga, President of Calvin Seminary, offered when he was visiting the Gordon-Conwell campus. He said that people in Grand Rapids believe in total depravity so much that they think they have to practice. However, he also mentioned that anyone who believes in total depravity can't be all bad. Thanks for recommending that I check out the map.

Steve Scheperle

Anonymous said...

off topic, but how about a Scheperle update. How are things with you these days Steve?