Wednesday, May 17, 2006

A Timeline for Leading Dramatic Change

Here's an interesting timeline for creating dramatic change in an organization:

Stage 1 Creating Awareness (4-6 months) Through intensive communication events, leaders take people through dialogue and discussion about the need for transformation.

Stage 2 Creating Understanding (3-5 months) The dialogue and discussion serve to bring thinking and feeling modes of understanding together into a pattern of understanding.

Stage 3 Evaluation (3-5 months) What is currently happening in the organization is evaluated in light of awareness and understanding.

Stage 4 Creating experiments (3-8 months) People begin to identify actions that they believe will transform the organization into a missional organization. People will experiment through action.

Stage 5 Commit (Ongoing) People commit to getting others involved in the process of moving through awareness to understanding, to evaluation, to experimentation, and finally to commitment.

It's an interesting change model from the book The Missional Church.

Here's a basic question for all of us, why don't we like change? I'd be interested to see what you post.


Anonymous said...

I think a majority of us don't like change because it gets us out of our comfort zone. There are so many variables. We enter into the unknown. The reality is that our lives can change in the blink of an eye but we have an illusion of control that makes us feel safe when everything stays the same. Change can have profound positive impact in our lives but many of us wait until we're forced into it as opposed to willingly submitting ourselves to God and trusting Him to do what's best even if that means turning our world upside down.

Glenn Reynolds said...

Here's another thought. I used to think leaders loved change and follower hated change. I realize now that leaders like the changes that are their ideas and hate other changes just as much as followers.