Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Driven by Eternity

Every church is driven by something. In fact, everybody and every organization are driven by something. The question is, "What's driving you?" Some churches are driven by tradition. Some people are driven by money. Some organizations are driven to make life better for people. In our talk about what kind of church we want to be in the next 12 years, I talked about becoming a church driven by eternity.
What does that mean? It means that our decisions are driven by eternity, not time. It means our priorities are driven by things that last forever, not just for a moment. It really means that we still believe that heaven is real and hell is real, and that people still live in one of those places for an eternity after they die.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It is for this reason that I really enjoy our church and am honored to have PG as my Pastor! It is great to be a part of a church that has, as the number one desire, to reach the lost. To go into the highways and the byways and to compel them to come in. Oh - what a ride!