Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Why a Daughter Needs a Dad

One of the gifts Amberly got me for Christmas was the book Why a Daughter Needs a Dad. I started reading the 100 reasons a daughter needs a dad and became a babbling brook of tears as I thought of my beautiful almost three-year old girl. Here were some of my favorite reasons:
  • A daughter needs a dad who doesn't mind when she steps on his shoes while dancing.
  • A daughter needs a dad so she'll know what it's like to be somebody's favorite.
  • A daughter needs a dad to tell her truthfully that she is the most beautiful of all.
  • A daughter needs a dad to be the standard against which she will judge all men.
  • A daughter needs a dad so that she'll have at least one hero who will not let her down.
  • A daughter needs a dad so that when no one else is there for her, she can close her eyes and see him.
  • A daughter needs a dad to carry her just because she wants to be carried.
  • A daughter needs a dad to build a loving house on a foundation of wisdom and understanding.
  • A daughter needs a dad to stand with her on the day she marries the man she hopes will be just like her father.


Shane Vander Hart said...

Thanks for the book suggestion, I'll have to get it since I have two girls myself. One is 10 and in 5th grade, and my baby just turned 7!

Fathers are vital, I've seen far too many teenage girls who have had either no relationship or a poor relationship with their father end up trying to receive love (that should have come from dad) in the worst of places with horrible results.

Anyway, thanks for the suggestion. I'll have to pick that up.

Greg said...

Hi Glenn:

Thanks for mentioning my book! It has been over eight years since I wrote it for my daughter and she still swells with pride when she reads it. Good luck with your little Princess; mine's 16 now and it is a joyful challenge!

Gregory E. Lang

Cosmo said...

Nice to know another real man exists out there. If you read Lang's book and don't turn into a babbling pool of tears you've got issues.

Great read.