Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Reading List

Since we started the transition from Iowa to Bethel, my reading schedule has been thrown off kilter. I am preparing a new reading list for the next several months:

American Sphinx (Thomas Jefferson)
Passionate Sage (John Adams)
The Narnian (C.S. Lewis)
Testament of Hope (Martin Luther King, Jr.)

Christian Thought
Escape from Reason (Francis Shaffer)
The Universe Next Door (James Sire)
The Victory of Reason (Rodney Stark)
A Primer on Postmadernism (Stanley Grenz)

Church Health
Building a Healthy Multi-Ethnic Church (Mark DeYmaz)
It (Craig Groeschel)

How to Read a Book (Mortimer Adler)

Tyranny of the Urgent (Charles Hummell)
Organizational Culture and Leadership (Ed Schein)
Primal Leadership (Daniel Goleman)
Masterplanning (Bobb Biehl)
The Speed of Trust (Stephen M. R. Covey)
Tribes (Seth Godin)
Building the Bridge as You Walk on It (Robert Quinn)

Spiritual Life
Introduction to the Devout Life (Francis de Sales)
The Sunflower (Simon Wiesenthal)
Search for the Spiritual (James Emery White
Life Together (Dietrich Bonhoffer)
Wild Goose Chase (Mark Batterson)
Hearing God (Dallas Willard)
Living the Cross Centered Life (CJ Mahaney)
Renovation of Heart (Dallas Willard)

Well, there you go. If you've read any of them, leave a post and let me know what you think.


Pam said...

I can personally vouch for the Christian thought reading selection "The Universe Next Door" by James Sire. The word awesome is much overused - however, I found this book to fit the description of awesome. I have used it over and over again as a resource to quote for Regent papers. Do not believe it could be any more marked and highlighted than it is! So, now you have the list - when do you begin reading and what have you selected to begin first? I usually have two or three books with bookmarks going on at once when I cannot choose :}

Anonymous said...

That's a library not a reading list!

Anonymous said...

I was just just reviewing the cross centered life life this past week and it crossed my mind to recommend it to you. I love this book and it's simplistic principles would make a great series of messages to follow going retro. After all what could could be more foundational to Christianity than the cross

Pam said...

Here is an example of only one quote I used recently in a paper in which personal character development was the topic.

Sire (2004) defines worldview as “A commitment, a fundamental orientation of the heart that provides the foundation on which we live and move and have our being” (p. 17). My heart view reveals the spiritual commitment to modeling the character of Jesus Christ and reflecting his behavior. The Bible is the living Word which provides the foundation for relationship with the kingdom realm with God through the intercession and redeeming blood of Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ has sent the Comforter in the form of the Holy Spirit so that one might embrace power, allowing for transformation of life while submitting to its leading and direction.

Hope it whets your appetite for reading even more!

Glenn Reynolds said...

I go two or three at a time. I am doing Speed of Trust and American Sphinx right now. I am ordering one a couple more today, but have not decided yet. I will highly consider Universe Next Door and maybe Introduction to the Devout Life.