Sunday, January 08, 2006

Revolution! Keys to Revolutionary Relationships

One is too small a number for greatness. To be part of a revolution, you've got to have some revolutionary relationships around you. Throughout the letters from Paul to the early churches, we discover some great insights in how to treat one another. When we apply them, we'll be able to live out relationships that stir a revolution.

1. Honor One Another Above Yourself

Romans 12.10 says that we should "be devoted to one another in brotherly love. Honor one another above yourselves." The revolutionary idea is that we prefer other people over our own agenda. That's counter-intuitive for most of us who think that if we don't look out for our own agenda no one else will. I've discovered the opposite: when I help other people they want to help me. Together, both of us achieve our goals.

2. Live in Harmony with One Another

Romans 12.16 says it simply, "Live in harmony wit one another. Do not be proud, but be willing to associate with people of low position." To find your perfect match on, you've got to be connected on 29 points of compatibility. My problem is that not everyone I live with and work with matches me on all 29 points. I've got to learn how to get along with people who don't fit my profile or I'll never be part of a revolution!

3. Serve One Another

Galatians 5.13 says, "Do not use your freedom to indulge . . . but serve one another." I'll never forget the talk I heard at Promise Keepers by Wellington Boone--Your Wife is Not Your Mama! His challenge was for men to try to outserve their wives--now that's a revolutionary relationship.

4. Bear One Another's Burdens

Galatians 6.2 says, "Bear one another's burdens." I don't walk alone when I walk in revolutionary relationships, but we walk together. Together, my load is lighter. And with my free hand, I can lift someone else's burden, too!

5. Forgive One Another

Colossians 3.13 says, "Bear with each other and forgive whatever grievances you have against one another." Revolutionary relationships are not perfect relationships. Instead, they are relationships were grievances are forgiven, not carried. You'll never find a perfect job, church, or wife. People who think that leave a string of broken relationships behind them. Lasting relationships require forgiveness.

6. Teach and Admonish Each Other

Colossians 3.16 says, "Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly as you teach and admonish one another with all wisdom." Here's the idea: You better do 1-5 before you start on #6! You earn the right to correct me when you forgive, serve, and bear with me!

7. Encourage One Another

Hebrews 10.25 says, "Let us not give up meeting together . . . but let us encourage one another." To encourage, simply means to "give courage." Your smile, prayer, or presence may be all that is needed to give someone the courage they need to face one of life's battles. For that to happen, you've got to be there--together. One of the greatest ways to be together is to worship together where you receive encouragement from God and give encouragement to each other.


Anonymous said...

Wouldn't it be a wonderful world if we ALL lived by these truths!

Glenn Reynolds said...

It sure would.

When I do a talk like this one, I realize how much I need to continually live in the tree of life in my relationships with other people.

One day everyone will always live these truths...that will be Heaven.