Thursday, January 31, 2008

Forward 2/3/08

Let's keep moving forward with the fourth action of humility in James 4.6-10

4. Not Double Minded

This is the second time James talks about being double-minded in his letter. The first one suggests that a double-minded person must not assume that he will receive anything from God. In that same context he salutes those who ask for wisdom--noting that when we ask, God gives us wisdom.

Being double-minded, then, is knowing what God wants us to do, but not knowing whether or not we want to follow that wisdom. Pride allows us to consider possibilities outside God's wisdom. Pride says, "I may come up with a better answer than God's to this situation." Pride may not even ask God for wisdom, but get stuck between options of its own making.

Humility seeks God's wisdom and then follows it. That's the idea of not being double-minded. Once we know what God says, we do it. We don't keep the debate running in our minds.

My prayer is that God will reveal to me any area where I'm being double-minded--trying to follow his wisdom and my own at the same time.

Forward 2/2/08

Welcome to today's devotional in the Forward 08 series during our 21 Days of Prayer and Fasting at Christian Life Assembly. Our attitude is a favor magnet. And, the attitude that most attracts favor is humility. But humility is often misunderstood. So, we've been looking at James 4.6-10 for some insights in how humility works out in our lives. So far, we've learned that a humble person:

1. Submits to God

2. Resists the Devil

Here's the third action that reflects a humble heart:

3. Drawing Near

A humble heart lives as close to God as possible. James tells us that if we draw near to God he will draw near to us. The prideful heart is reflected in an individualistic--go it alone--lifestyle. Moses' humility was reflected when he declared to God--if you don't go with me from this place then I'm not going.

A humble heart knows that it needs to be close to God throughout the day--every day. The humble heart seeking after God acknowledges on the OT prophet's declaration--It's not my might, nor by power, but by my Spirit says the Lord of hosts.

When I'm prideful, I think I can do it on my own. I don't need to pray. I dont' need to be close. I don't need to be filled with the Holy Spirit. I don't need to seek counsel. I can handle it. Humility says--I'm not going into this day, this meeting, this crisis, this adventure, this idea--until I've first gone into his presence.

God, help me be like Moses--not go anywhere with out you. It's like that old American Express commercial--don't leave home without it. Instead of an it, it's a him!

Forward 2/1/08

Here's the second idea about humility from James 4.6-10.

Resist the Devil

What in the world does resisting the devil have to do with humility? More than you think. Often, we don't resist the devil or fight against temptation becuase we think we can control it. We know when to stop. You know, "I can quit any time I want to" mentality. So, we play with temptation.

That's an incredible amount of pride, don't you think? I can be the only one to pull this fire into my lap and not get burnt. I can play with this temptation--I can let it be a foothold, but keep it from becoming a stronghold.

Or, even worse, I can play with it and not get caught. I can keep it all under control and out of sight and no one will ever know. I can be the father, husband, and pastor I need to be and still have this in my life.

That's pride--not humility!

Humility understands that I can't play with temptation--I'm not good enough to mess with sin. I've got to resist the devil with all of my strength.

So, that's my prayer today--That God will help me crucify my flesh, be filled with Holy Spirit, put on the armor of God and fight against the enemy. The promise is that he will flee when we do that!

Forward 1/31/08

I've decided to call the devotional insights Forward--because moving forward is such a big idea that God is putting in our hearts during this 21 Days of Prayer and Fasting. So, here's today's idea:

Forward 1/31/08
During the services, we've looked at three favor magnets:
1. Your Assignment
2. Your Attitude
3. Your Actions.

The attitude that attracts favor is humility. James 4.6 is clear--God opposes the proud but gives grace (favor) to the humble.

So, what does it mean to be humbe? The answer may be found in the following verses, where James gives some instructions and then winds up with the idea that God exalts the humbe. So, what are some of the actions that reflect a humble attitude?

A humble attitude is reflected in a life submitted to God. Every area of life is turned over to God's control. Pride says, "I can run my life." Humility says, "I need to submit every part of my life to God's control." Humility understands that God knows better than I do--so I submit my life--my present, my past, and my future to God's control. I submit to the wisdom of his Word. I submit to the prompting of the Holy Spirit in my life. And, I submit to the delegated authority in my life.

My prayer is that God will reveal to me any areas of my life that aren't submitted to him. Maybe that could be your prayer today, too.

21 Days of Prayer and Fasting

Christian Life Assembly is engaged in 21 Days of Prayer and Fasting through February 10. As part of that I will be posting insights and ideas from my time of prayer and fasting as daily devotional material for the remainder of the fast.