Thursday, January 31, 2008

Forward 2/2/08

Welcome to today's devotional in the Forward 08 series during our 21 Days of Prayer and Fasting at Christian Life Assembly. Our attitude is a favor magnet. And, the attitude that most attracts favor is humility. But humility is often misunderstood. So, we've been looking at James 4.6-10 for some insights in how humility works out in our lives. So far, we've learned that a humble person:

1. Submits to God

2. Resists the Devil

Here's the third action that reflects a humble heart:

3. Drawing Near

A humble heart lives as close to God as possible. James tells us that if we draw near to God he will draw near to us. The prideful heart is reflected in an individualistic--go it alone--lifestyle. Moses' humility was reflected when he declared to God--if you don't go with me from this place then I'm not going.

A humble heart knows that it needs to be close to God throughout the day--every day. The humble heart seeking after God acknowledges on the OT prophet's declaration--It's not my might, nor by power, but by my Spirit says the Lord of hosts.

When I'm prideful, I think I can do it on my own. I don't need to pray. I dont' need to be close. I don't need to be filled with the Holy Spirit. I don't need to seek counsel. I can handle it. Humility says--I'm not going into this day, this meeting, this crisis, this adventure, this idea--until I've first gone into his presence.

God, help me be like Moses--not go anywhere with out you. It's like that old American Express commercial--don't leave home without it. Instead of an it, it's a him!

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