Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Christmas Trees, Vacuum Cleaners, and a Midnight Cry

Our house began to stink a few days ago. Last night, it was unbearable. So, we got out of bed at 11.30 PM and found the culprit--The Christmas Tree. The tree started looking droopy a few days ago so we added water to give it some life.

It didn't work!

The water just stood in the stand--and got stinkier as each day passed until we couldn't handle it any longer! So, we tried to suction the water out with a hose, but we couldn't get any traction. Then, I had a great idea--the vacuum cleaner.

I hooked it up to the hose and the water began to flow. I got all the water out and the odor was gone. Then I moved my vacuum--discovering why it's not a wet/dry vac. The water--not in the bucket--was on the carpet--green, dirty water. That's where the midnight cry came in!

Is there a moral to the story? Here are a few ideas:

1. Christmas can get stinky from time to time?
2. Never get out of bed after 11:30?
3. Never use the vac to suction water?
4. Spend the extra money on the carpet protectant if you choose white carpet?
5. Creativity doesn't always work well late at night?
6. Buy artificial next year!


Anonymous said...

My most miserable moments happen after 11:30pm because my brain stops working after 9:00Pm.

You forgot to mention
Obvious regret #1
People with kids should NEVER BUY
Have A Nice Day

Glenn Reynolds said...

That's why you're a trained professional!

Glenn Reynolds said...

My tree's not a living thing any longer. Maybe we'll switch to artificial next year--but without the nesting cat.