Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Accussed of Drunkenness in Eloy, Arizona

Eloy, Arizona is the skydiving capital of America--at least according to the signs. After the Pastor's School in Phoenix, Pastor Jonathan, Erica, Amberly, and I stopped to check out indoor skydiving in a wind tunnel.

We were still on a great spiritual high from the conference and were laughing, joking, and cutting up with each other and the girl behind the counter. Jonathan asked if there was an opening that day. The girl responded, "No. Come back a week from now and don't stop at the bar on the way."

She accussed Jonathan of being drunk! Obviously, they don't see many genuinely happy people in Eloy, Arizona! After he breathed his watermelon-gum tainted breath on her, she agreed that he was not drunk. Still, we were offended enough not to skydive. At least, it was a good excuse. I wasn't too crazy about getting sucked up into a wind tunnel in the middle of the desert, anyway.


Anonymous said...

Do you think if you lived in the desert for 40 years you would smile???

Glenn Reynolds said...

If it was Phoenix--Yes!

If it was Eloy--No!