Friday, March 17, 2006

Mental Toughness

During the NCAA tournament time, you hear a lot about mental toughness. What does that mean? According to Dr. David Cook, a sports psychologist, mental toughness is one of the two greatest predictors of success for athletes. What does mental toughness look like?
  • Embrace the pressure (James 1.2-4 says that pressure can be a great ally)
  • Practice the emergencies (Know your response before you start--Matthew 4.1-11)
  • Put on your game face (Be prepared--Ephesians 6.10-11)
  • Trust your talent (Dance. Don't count your steps. Philippians 4.13)
  • Persevere (Never give up--James 1.12)

By the way, the second key predictor? Goal orientation! I think that means shooting at the right goal--something I failed to do in a 8th grade basketball game! ;)

1 comment:

Glenn Reynolds said...

Thanks for the note. I love doing the Edge class. It's great. I'm so glad God brought you guys to our church.