Monday, October 13, 2008

Congratulations to Pastor Dobie Weasel and Christian Life Assembly

Congratulations to Dobie and Jamie Weasel on their election as the new senior pastor at Christian Life Assembly.

I pray God's best on you and the congregation as you work to advance the agenda of the Kingdom of God in Des Moines and across Iowa. CLA is a great church. I know they will love you and you will love them. Exciting days are ahead!


Anonymous said...

light has come. Pastor Glen has known where Vicky and my heart has always been since we came to C.L.A.from Morningside. I thank you and Pastor Rob so much for pouring the footings, and assembling this group of disciples. Our mission is clear. We, with His help will take it from here.
Isn't it nice to be around people that do not talk funny? lol Please tell Corbin and Grant hello, and we found Rovercomer. (smile)
W/ His love
Da Habbens

Glenn Reynolds said...

I will cancel the APB on Rovercomer! Da Habbens are Da Best

Anonymous said...

Wow Dobie Weasel, what a great name!

Anonymous said...

"Congratulations to Pstr Dobie and Jamie Weasel"
you will be blessed by this seasoned man of God, because he has been up in the mountain and down in the valley, and he will be able to lead you towards green pasture.

Anonymous said...

Pastor Dobie is a great man of God. His relevant teaching will bless you. My wife and I were under his leadership for many years and we saw many lives changed including our own and many people were brought to christ. I have family in the DesMoines and Norwalk area so we will be visiting when we come to town. God has awesome things in store for DesMoines. May God bless you through him.

Anonymous said...

I have been looking for a way to get intouch with Pastor Dobie, I attended CLA while he was there preaching and to be honest there is no finer Paster I have evr heard! I would like to take my family on Sundays to Omaha to receive the word from a Pastor who I feel is intouch with God and his students! My e mail is if anyone knows my family would love to know we miss his teachings alot!

Anonymous said...