Sunday, July 20, 2008

Conviction-Based Decisions

I wrap up the two-week Decision '08 series today with the message Conviction-Based Decisions. Here are six convictions that should shape a Christian's decisions:

1. It's All About God (Romans 11.36)
2. The Local Church is the Hope of the World (Matthew 16.18)
3. People Matter to God; They Ought to Matter to Me (Mark 12.31)
4. The Whole World Needs Jesus (Matthew 28.18-20)
5. Nothing is Impossible with God (Matthew 19.26)
6. History's Conclusion is Inevitable (Matthew 24.14)

So, how do you base your decisions? Convenience? Criticism? Comparison? Circumstances? How about convictions?


Harold Abner said...

Wow! We will have many good conversations. My decision making model is three dimensional:

1. My priorities: God, Spouse, Children, Church, External Family & Friends, Work, Hobbies

2. Being a good Steward: time, talent, treasure, and temperament

3. Temple Maintenance and sustainment: I consists of a body, soul, & spirit.

Tanya said...

Pastor Glenn,
I am looking forward to you leading Bethel Temple into a bright future. Both sermons you gave at Bethel and the post on conviction based decisions motivate me to trust God's plan and not lean to my own understanding. I will keep you and your family in prayer as you transition to Hampton Roads.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like good preaching Pastor. I'm going to buy a copy of the message. I didn't get to hear it because I was hanging out with the kids in KidsCount. I'm glad that they will have your sermons on Bethel's website. You never know I might go through Pastor Glenn Preaching Withdrawl!


Anonymous said...

i think your decision to leave was
miscommunication between you and GOD!! somehow you didn't hear him correctly.i feel that all over,more
than anywhere else.
seriously,let me say how excited
i(we) are for you,even though i
will miss you more than you imagine.
you laugh at my (dry) humor,you
were by our side during tough times,and cheered us on when times were good.
i have enjoyed our times together,both at the church and
being a part of your small group.
i love your heart for souls,and your preaching style is tops.
you and amberly have been so good
to,and for us. i just wish we would have had some more social times with you two.
Bethel Temple has great things in store for them.
Thank you for your friendship to me and my family.

Glenn Reynolds said...

Amberly and I are so proud to have had the opportunity to be your pastor. I am thankful the Lord brought you to CLA. That was an example of good decision making!