Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Our Last Sunday at CLA

It's been a bittersweet month, saying good bye to so many people we love. This past Sunday was our last day at Christian Life Assembly--and there was no better send off a pastor could ask for. I'd like to thank the pastoral team and deacon board for such a meaningful service!
The beautiful gift, the video clips, the slide show...all of it was amazing. What I enjoyed most was just talking with people whose lives had been changed by the ministry of Christian Life Assembly.
I would also like to thank my good friend, Tom Jacobs. He is a phenomenal district superintendent and friend. He was the obvious choice for interim pastor at CLA. Our church is in great hands! He and Lori will be a tremendous asset over the next weeks and months.


Todd Jones said...

Jen and I wished we could have been there to celebrate with you. We wish you guys the best and pray God's blessings on your new journey.

Anonymous said...

Dear Pastor Glenn,

I did not get a chance to thank you in more detail as I had wished,

It was such a brief good-bye that I feel like I need to say a little more after knowing you as my family's Pastor for over 2 years now.

The Cirligel family would like to thank you from the bottom of our hearts for the wonderful and convicting sermons that you have been preaching over the years - I think we've only missed about a handful of Sundays in the last 2 1/2 years :=)

More specifically we would like to thank you for the water baptism of both Mary and myself to signify the outward expression of our acceptance of Christ.

As well, we thank you for the Dedication of all three of our beautiful children, Liliana (4), Isabela (2) and Elijah (5 mo).

And lastly, I would also like to thank you for the special Awakening/Holy Spirit sermon back on Sunday evening, March 2nd, 2008 when I was filled with the Holy Spirit, the same day that our son Elijah was born as well.

We thank you and hope to hear more of your sermons online

Awaiting his descendance,
Sev Cirligel

Glenn Reynolds said...

Thank you for the post. I am so proud of you and Jen and what God is doing in you and through you in Monte!
Live it Up,

Glenn Reynolds said...

I can't tell you how much your post means to me! Seeing families changed for generations and eternity is what it is all about. I am so proud of what God is doing in your heart and life.
Pastor Glenn