Friday, January 13, 2006

Friday Book Review: Flashbang!

Here's the description from Mark Steele found himself trying to be a good Christian...but his life was turning into a flashbang--something that makes a lot of noise but leaves no permanent indentation.

Now, here's my take. The book made me laugh out loud. I started reading it then Amberly stole it from me because she couldn't take me laughing while she tried to read Ted Dekker! The next night, I couldn't' sleep because of her laughter.

But it's more than humor--after he gets you laughing, he makes some great points that grab you by the nap of the neck. The subtitle tells it all: how I got over myself. After reading the book, you'll determine not be be a flashbang, but instead leave teeth marks!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have never laughed so hard while reading a book! If you haven't read it--you gotta get it!