Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Holy Disorganization, Bat Man!

I really like our church services to run smoothly, but Sunday we had about 10 minutes of holy disorganization. We prayed over student kits for the Seven Project at Lincoln High School. The Seven Project combines a multi-media assembly during the day with a festival at night, giving seven answers to the six greatest questions students face.

We're partnering with other churches for the one at Lincoln, February 15. To get the students ready, we were selling Seven Project kits loaded with stuff for them to use to promote the event in their schools. We prayed over the kits then I said that I would pay the $10 for one student who really wanted a kit--a student raised their hand and came forward. I gave them a kit and thought we were done.

We moved to our fellowship and greeting time. Someone gave me another $10. Someone else gave our youth pastor $50. I announced that another six students could come kit a kit.

Then it happened.

Without prompting, people just came up with checks and cash and said give these kits away. We wound up with enough money to give away all we had and order 17 more! For a few minutes the service was filled with disorginization--kits flying of the platform, money changing hands. Finally, we got back to the order of service.

It was disorganization...but it was holy disorganization, Batman!


Anonymous said...

Pastor Glenn,

The Seven Project is a success when people recognize the process. Everyone has a part to play. Thanks for creating an atmosphere where everyone sees their potential, and thus partners with others to rewrite history.

Heath Adamson
Youth Alive Missionary

Anonymous said...

The Holy Spirit opened heaven for a moment and gave us a taste of freedom. We witnessed the releasing of our resouces as He moved on our hearts. Begining with worship and continuing through the message, God was touching His people. We started this year with prayer as a priority. Let us continue to follow hard after Him and see what else he will do.

Anonymous said...

Pastor thank you for being so supportive of elevate Youth Ministries. You have helped us accomplish amazing tasks that we could not have done on our own. On February 15 we are going to see many young people changed forever because you took the time to pour into our youth.

Anonymous said...

Amen to that Pastor Jonathan. I'm so thankful God gave us a senior pastor who is more than willing to invest in our youth. We are EXCITED about the Seven Project and can't wait to see what God is going to do.

Anonymous said...

Pastor Glenn,
My children and I are new to the church. It has been years since my son has really wanted to get invloved in church activites! The minute Pastor Jonathan mentioned the 7 Project, my son has been on board! The sunday that you were handing out the boxes my son was so impressed that the Senior Pastor was so excited about the opportunities to reach the youth in our community, and to be supportive and back up the Youth ministry. My son has made it his goal to PERSONALLY invite every Senior at Lincoln High School to this event. Let me just say how excited my family is to be a part of the wonderful move of God and be a part of this church!