Monday, January 23, 2006

Ten Questions Leaders Ask (Part 1)

Leaders simply think differently than followers--not necessarily better, just different. Leaders approach life with a series of questions that guide them and their organizations. So, what questions do leaders ask?

1. Where are we going?
This is the question of destination. The leader constantly asks the question that is driven by purpose and mission. What is our target? What is our goal? What is our destination?

2. Where are we now?
This is the question of location. Leaders evaluate their present location in terms of the destination. Are we moving closer to where we want to be. There is an ongoing analysis determined by the mission. In other words, the destination is the template that evaluates the location.

3. How do we get from here to there?
This is the question of navigation. We are at point B, but we want to get to point A. What strategies do we employ? What path do we take? What changes do we make to go from here to there?

4. What's next?
This is the question of implementation. You can't make it to point A in one step, but several. So, the leader is always asking, "What's the next step?" Leaders constantly set their priorities with this question: What next thing can I do to get us closer to the vision?

We'll stop at four for now, but there are more questions leaders always ask on the way.

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