Thursday, August 21, 2008

Leadership Forum

Last night's Leadership Forum was amazing! There was an energy and an excitement in the room as we talked about how Bethel is being positioned to make a difference in the community. Two thoughts kept coming up over and over again in the meeting--potential and reaching the lost.

With the location, facilities, and most of all people God has blessed us with, there is no limit to what God can do in us and through us as we partner with him to make a difference in this region. I'm excited about what is ahead.

Now, we start a series of meetings with volunteers from 15 different ministry groups to listen and learn about the ministry potential and function at Bethel. From there, we build a Dream Team to help us discern the call and vision God has for this church in this city. We want the right people in the right place with the right plan!


JYoumans said...

Great session Pastor Glenn! What an effective way to get the people to start to take "ownership" of the process. There's really an air of excitement and a sense of anticipation throughout the church that God is up to something great! We are very thankful for you and Amberly, and Wendy & I pray for you guys daily! Keep up the good work!
Warm regards,

Glenn Reynolds said...

Jim and Wendy,
I can't tell you how much we appreciate your praying for us and your participation last night.
Pastor Glenn

joshua said...

hey man i have some crazy thoughts to run by you, but didnt get your new email. I will try to call you again. Youll be surprised... maybe

Glenn Reynolds said...

Nothing you do suprises me!

Anonymous said...

Good Morning Pastor Glenn:

First - great sermon once again. I greatly appreciate the direction you are taking those with ears to hear. In reading your profile, it is with great excitement that your are interested in leadership. Regent University offers an Organizational Leadership and Management degree which I am currently pursuing, with an emphasis in leadership. Love it!

I completed my AA in Women's Ministry/Studies from Trinity College and Seminary in Newburgh, IN. Most interested in hearing more and making contact with Amberly regarding the women's ministry mentioned Sunday during first service. How can I be a part and serve?

You have been a tremendous blessing to us already! Look forward to moving ahead into all our dreams!

Glenn Reynolds said...

Thanks for the note. I am excited to hear you are in the program at Regent. I am working on a Doctor of Ministry in Redemptive Leadership and Organizational Development from Gordon Conwell Theological Seminary. Two years down, one to go, and then the project.

Watch the worship folder for info on how to get connected with the women's ministry. There will be an organizational meeting that you can attend to get in on the ground floor to build a great ministry to women. I don't have a date for it, though.

Pastor Glenn