Friday, August 01, 2008

In the Office..Getting Closer at the House

This is my second morning in the office at Bethel Temple. Yesterday, I made great headway on the message for Sunday. I'm going to launch a series called, Life Giving Church, with the message The Two Trees. My goal is to develop a common language to talk about ministry, relationships, and church life. I'm looking forward to it.

By the way, we got the kids' rooms done last night, along with the kitchen--everything, but hanging pictures. This afternoon, I'll help Amberly with the living room and our bedroom. Maybe we'll have the house set up by Saturday night.

I've know one thing--moving is for the birds. I'm not anxious to do it again any time soon!


Harold Abner said...

Brother Pastor,

Great goal! As you develop a strategy to reframe Bethel Temple (BT), you may want to consider that any organization as large as BT has many diverse individuals and interest groups - all with enduring differences. As you take the helm, I will be praying that God will show you great and mighty things - new things - as you being to foster a shared sense of direction and growth - especially in this time of scarce resources!
If there is anything I or Denise (my wife) can do to help in the moving process, do not hesitate to call me...757.660.1397 is my cell.
Eager to get to know you!!
Let's get to work and make BT a better place for Dreamers!


Glenn Reynolds said...

Thanks for the comment and even more for the commitment to make Bethel a place for dreamers. I look forward to meeting you in the morning!
Pastor Glenn